Bean bags are loved for their versatility. Theycome in a variety of shapes, colors, textures, and sizes. Because of this, theyare now widely used as helpful tools in activities that promote movement andsocialization among children. A couple of fun games and activities are listedbelow:
Crab Crawl
1. Set up a rectangular playing field bydrawing a line over the boundaries.
2. Throw at least 20 beanbags at randomlocations.
3. Gather 20 children and split them intotwo teams.
4. Mark a particular area on the rectangleas the starting point. Let the first members from each team stay in this pointand get them into a crab walk position.
5. Walking like crabs means being on allfours with their stomachs pointed toward the sky.
6. Once you say go, ask them to crab walktowards the center, grab one beanbag, and put it on their stomachs. They haveto return to the starting point while crab walking backwards without droppingthe bean bag.
7. As soon as they come back, the next playertakes their place. The first team to finish wins.
Hit the Target
1. Find a nearby gym, court, or an emptygarage space. Use chalk to draw a large square to serve as the playing field.
2. Gather at least eight kids and dividethem into two groups.
3. Perform a coin toss to find out whichgroup stays in the middle and which one should stay on the perimeter of thesquare.
4. A medium-sized beanbag is given to thegroup situated outside. The objective of this activity is to throw the objectto hit the persons inside so they can be out of the game.
5. Have a non-player present to act as thetimer and referee. Once the referee says go, the hitting begins.
6. The teams switch places during the nextround.
7. The team that is able to hit all playersat the least amount of time wins.
Musical Pass
1. Just like musical chairs, ask players toposition themselves while standing in a circle facing each other.
2. Hand the beanbag to one person in thecircle.
3. When the music starts, let them pass theitem around in a clockwise or counter-clockwise manner.
4. The person holding the beanbag as soonas the music stops is out of the game.
5. The passing continues until only oneperson is left.
There are many other fun and excitingthings to do with beanbags.These are great tools for letting kids bond with friends and Compostabale Shopping Bags Suppliersdevelop theirinteraction skills. They also promote movement and keep the little ones awayfrom gadgets and video games that make a lot of them addicted today.